General Anaesthetic
Easy and pain-free treatment, done while you sleep
General anaesthetic is a safe and effective method that ensures you are unconscious and relaxed during your treatment. This is done by inhaling a drug or agent through a mask placed over your nose, and results in a complete or partial loss of feeling and sensation for the duration of your treatment.
At Dental On Errard, we complete our treatment under general anaesthetic off-site, at a local theatre room.
General anaesthetic is available and helpful to:
Nitrous Oxide
Also known as "laughing gas", nitrous oxide can be an alternative to general anaesthetic.
Nitrous oxide is inhaled through a mask over the nose. It is not a painkiller, although can help a patient relax, feel less anxious, and can reduce the sensation of pain.
Nitrous oxide wears off quickly, so you are still able to drive home. As long as you are not pregnant, currently on certain medications, or have a history of substance abuse, nitrous oxide may be an option for you.