When it comes to dentures, there are plenty of options to suit your needs, personal preference and budget.
If you are looking for something a little more permanent, an implant retained denture may be a positive solution for you!
Locator Dentures
Locator Dentures, also known as implant supported dentures, are just like your common dentures, however they are anchored to dental implants, giving them more stability and less room to move in your mouth.
This style of denture stays firmly in place, leaving you to go about your day, eating and talking without any movement, but the denture can be removed for cleaning and when necessary.

Here at Dental on Errard, we are able to retain the denture with your choice of either 2 or 4 implants depending on the type and style.
Whether you currently have false teeth or a looking at the prospect of a new set, the locator denture system can be added to existing dentures, or incorporated into the design of a new one. Much the same as the denture system, we can customise dentures to existing implants, or if the insertion of dental implants are necessary, our dentist Dr Paul McBratney-Owen can organise the procedure.
More information about dental implants can be found on our implant's page.
Implant retained dentures are a fantastic option for someone willing to invest in their future self and have many benefits.
prevent bone loss
Dental implants have been shown to prevent bone loss and slow gum tissue shrinkage
diet and taste
As biting and chewing is now easier, you can enjoy a varied diet. Not to mention the full mouth experience as more areas of your palate are exposed!
You can feel secure knowing your appearance and social interactions are in good hands with locator dentures
set and forget
the magnetic field generated between denture and implant allows you to insert the denture and go about your day with no worry of movement or discomfort.
Why choose a locator denture?
Locator Dentures are a great alternative to a general denture as the implant helps secure the denture in place. Generally, for the lower denture, it is a good option to stop the denture from moving out of place when talking, eating or going about your general day.
Upper dentures benefit as the roof of your mouth is left exposed, leaving taste and feel to continue as if the denture were not there.
Do I need a referral?
No, you don't need a referral to see us however, if you do have one please send it through to reception@dentalonerrard.com.au
How do I book an appointment?
You can book an initial consult by calling 03 5332 6411 or you can go to our online booking portal and book a consult appointment with our prosthetist Leigh Hutchinson.
How much will an implant retained denture cost?
Specific treatment plans can be discussed during a consult appointment but implant retained dentures cost between $1900 and $3200. This is exclusive of dental implant procedure costs.
How long is the implant process?
From start to finish, the process could take up to 3-6 months.
Implant treatment needs to be approved by our dentist Dr Paul McBratney-Owen. A range of scans will be required before the procedure can happen. Once a consult has occurred and treatment has been approved, the implant procedure can be booked with Dr Paul.
On completion of the implant procedure, healing time is required where osseointegration will happen.
Osseointegration a process is when the bone around the implant secures it in place (just like the root of a tooth) and strengthens the implant to be able to hold the weight of the denture.
*During Osseointegration, we do ask that smoking and recreation drug and alcohol use is limited if not stopped altogether. This process can take up to 6 months to properly happen.
How long will I need to wait for an implant retained denture?
Once the implant stage and osseointegration has occurred, the denture process can begin. This can take between 2 - 6 weeks depending on the type and if a new denture is required. During this time and through multiple appointments you will have the opportunity to discuss and review the shape, colour and fit of your new teeth.
Please note that all information provided above should not be regarded as dental or medical advice and must be regarded as a preliminary aid for general information only. A face to face assessment by one of our health care professionals for a proper diagnostic procedure will be the only way to provide you with a holistic approach to your dental care. All dental implants, surgical procedures and other dental procedures contain risks that will be described to you by a health professional. No treatment will be provided without informed and written consent.